Saturday 27 July 2024
LÉGKÖR - Quarterly Newsletter

Vol. 67, No. 2 * Pages 70–120 * June 2022

Newsletter of the Hungarian Meteorological Service 
and the Hungarian Meteorological Society (in Hungarian)

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Athmospheric methane: risk and opportunities
Haszpra László
DOI:10.56474/legkor.2022.2.1 (pp. 70–76)
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The exact cause of the current accelerated increase in atmospheric methane concentration is not known yet. If
the bulk of the increase is due to the increasing emissions from natural sources triggered by the climate change that already occurred, it could question the achievability of the climate protection targets. Due to the chemical properties of methane, its atmospheric concentration would respond relatively rapidly to emission reductions. In some industrial sectors, technical solutions for economical reduction of methane emissions are already known. The resulting reduction in methane concentration could reduce the projected warming by 0.1–0.3 °C by 2050, allowing more time for the introduction of presently immature abatement technologies without compromising climate protection targets.

From Adriatic bora to Bakony-Balaton downslope wind
Kurcsics Máté, Horváth Ákos
DOI:10.56474/legkor.2022.2.2 (pp. 77–89)
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In many places of the Earth, there are areas where, in the presence of certain types of weather, specific wind conditions arise due to the orography and synoptic-scale flow, with strong gusts of wind. Each types of these winds have their own name by areas, for example foehn in the Alps, nemere in the Eastern Carpathians, bora by the Adriatic Sea or chinok in Colorado. Winds, similar to foehn also occur in the Scandinavian Mountains and in the Pyrenees, but sometimes can be observed in Hungary. A lot of factors play important role in the formation of bora, consecquently in the last decades, by the development of numerical models, the theory of it’s formation changed a lot. In the present study features of the Adriatic bora and the much weaker Bakony-Balaton downslope wind are investigated by WRF model.

Agrometeorological services on the OMSZ website
Kovács Attila Viktor
DOI:10.56474/legkor.2022.2.3 (pp. 90–98)
 PDF (4262 KB)   |   Abstract

Agriculture is one of the most exposed areas of the national economy to the effects of weather. The use of meteorological information in work organization decisions can reduce costs, increase the safety of farming, and
thus provide a competitive advantage. With the rise of precision farming, accurate knowledge of the weather is becoming increasingly important.

Marczell György Main Observatory is 70
Tóth Róbert
DOI:10.56474/legkor.2022.2.4 (pp. 99–106)
 PDF (2202 KB)   |   Abstract

The central Observatory of the Hungarian Meteorological Institute was founded in Pestszentlőrinc in 1952. Publications on the work done here were prepared by its 25th and 60th anniversary. This paper presents the measurement, research and popularizing activity over the last ten years by fields of expertise.

LÉGKÖR - Quarterly Newsletter