Tuesday 22 October 2024
Conferences, workshops


ORALS: 20 min (+5 min. discussion)

» Abstract Book


8:30-9:20  Registration

9:20-9:40 Opening and Commemorate Sándor Szalai and Victor Venema

9:40-10:30 SESSION: Homogenization

9:40-10:05 Tamás Szentimrey
Development of new version MASHv4.01 for homogenization of standard deviation 

10:05-10:30 Peter Domonkos
ANOVA correction model in relative homogenization: Optional or obligatory? 

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:40 SESSION: Homogenization (cont.)

11:00-11:25 Xiaolan L. Wang, Yang Feng, Vincent Cheng, and Hong Xu
On the development of the first homogenized monthly precipitation dataset for Canada

11:25-11:50 Jose A. Guijarro
Climatol v. 4: New functionalities and tools (online) 

11:50-12:15 Belinda Lorenzo, José A. Guijarro, Andrés Chazarra, César Rodríguez-Ballesteros, José V. Moreno, Ramiro Romero-Fresneda, Maite Huarte, Ana Morata
Operational homogenization of daily climate series in Spain: experiences with different variables 

12:15-12:40 Barbara Chimani, Oliver Bochniček, Michele Brunetti, Manfred Ganekind, Juraj Holec, Beatrix Izsák, Mónika Lakatos, Melita Perčec Tadić, Veronica Manara, Maurizio Maugeri, Pavel Stastny, Olivér Szentes, Dino Zardi
Revisiting HISTALP Precipitation dataset 

12:40-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-15:15 SESSION: Homogenization (cont.)

14:00-14:25 Olivér Szentes, Mónika Lakatos, Rita Pongrácz
Historical precipitation data sets in Hungary 

14:25-14:50 Gregor Vertačnik
Homogenisation and interpolation of Slovenian temperature series in period 1950-2020 

14:50-15:15 Kristína Szabóová, Katarína Mikulová, Peter Kajaba, Maroš Turňa
Homogenization of moisture characteristics data in Slovakia 

15:15-15:45 Coffee break

15:45-17:00 SESSION: Homogenization (cont.)

15:45-16:10 Emilie Lebarbier, Annarosa Quarello, Olivier Bock, Ninh Khanh Nguyen
GNSSseg, a Statistical Method for the Segmentation of Daily GNSS IWV Time Series (online) 

16:10-16:35 Ninh Khanh Nguyen, Olivier Bock, Emilie Lebarbier, Annarosa Quarello
Sensitivity of Change-Point Detection and Trend Estimates to GNSS IWV Time Series Properties 

16:35-17:00 Khanh Ninh Nguyen, Olivier Bock, Emilie Lebarbier
A statistical method for the attribution of change-points in segmentation of IWV difference time series 

17:30-19:30 Ice breaking


9:00-9:50 SESSION: Homogenization (cont.)

9:00-9:25 Elin Lundstad, Yuri Brugnara, Magnus Joelsson, Michael Taylor snd Stefan Brönnimann
Homogenization of early instrumental temperature data (online) 

9:25-9:50 Zbigniew Ustrnul, Bogdan Bochenek, Agnieszka Wypych
Homogeneity of long-term traditional circulation types series – problems and challenges 

9:50-10:20 SESSION: Poster session: poster pitches, 2 min per each

10:20-10:45 Coffee break

10:45-12:25 SESSION: Data and quality control

10:45-11:10 Joelsson, L.M.T, Södling J., Engström, E
The 19th century precipitation measurement method, a field study 

11:10-11:35 Cedric BERTRAND, Michel JOURNEE and Luis GONZALEZ SOTELINO
Introduction of low cost sensors (LCSs) in the Belgian climate observation network: a first assessment 

11:35-12:00 Ingels, Romain and Journée, Michel
Data rescue by volunteers of precipitation and temperature extremes from centennial meteorological reports of the Royal Meteorological Institute (1881-1900): a first assessment 

12:00-12:25 Tibor Rácz
Correction of processed historical records of siphoned rainfall recorders 

12:25-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-15:15 SESSION: Data and quality control (cont.)

14:00-14:25 Giulio Bongiovanni, Michael Matiu, Alice Crespi, Anna Napoli, Bruno Majone, Dino Zardi
Preliminary results on a new dataset of daily observations from a dense network of weather stations covering the Extended Alpine Region (1991-2020) (online) 

14:25-14:50 Hela Irha, Ana Weissenberger
Comparison of data measured at climatological and synoptic observation times 

14:50-15:15 Petr Štěpánek, Gerard van der Schrier, Pavel Zahradníček
Data Quality Control applied on ECA&D 

15:15:15:45 Coffee break

15:45-16:35 SESSION: Data and quality control (cont.)

15:45-16:10 Niko Filipović
AQUAS – Data Quality Control at GeoSphere Austria. 

16:10-16:35 Marosz M.
Climate services products in Polish NMHS (online) 

18:30-21:30  Conference dinner in Búsuló Juhász Restaurant


9:00-10:15 SESSION: Spatial interpolation and gridded datasets

9:00-9:25 Tamás Szentimrey
Statistical modelling of the present climate by the interpolation method MISH - theoretical considerations 

9:25-9:50 Beatrix Izsák, Tamás Szentimrey, Zita Bihari and Zsófia Barna
Hungarian development of observation based temperature dataset 

9:50-10:15 Melita Perčec Tadić, Zoran Pasarić, José A. Guijarro
Homogenised data series, monthly temperature grids and climate monitoring products for Croatia 

10:15-10:45 Coffee break

10:45-12:25 SESSION: Spatial interpolation and gridded datasets (cont.)

10:45-11:10 Kian Abbasnezhadi and Xiaolan L. Wang
Comparison of gridding methods for precipitation over Canada and assessment of station/data density effects on gridding results 

11:10-11:35 Brian O'Sullivan, Gabrielle Kelly
Spatio-temporal Imputation of Missing Rainfall Values to Establish Climate Normals 

11:35-12:00 Mark McCarthy (Met Office), Ed Hawkins (University of Reading), Dan Hollis, Michael Kendon, Tim Legg
Extending the UK gridded rainfall dataset HadUK-Grid to 1836 with citizen science data recovery 

12:00-12:25 Rustemeier, Elke; Finger, Peter; Schneider, Udo; Ziese, Markus; Hänsel, Stephanie
HOMPRA Europe 2 – An update of a gridded precipitation data set from European homogenized time series 

12:25-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-15:15 SESSION: Spatial interpolation and gridded datasets (cont.)

14:00-14:25 Markus Ziese, Elke Rustemeier, Udo Schneider, Peter Finger, Astrid Heller, Raphaele Schulze, Magdalena Zepperitz, Siegfried Fränkling, Bruno Heller, Jan Nicolas Breidenbach, Stephanie Hänsel
Quality Control and Grid Creation at the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) 

14:25-14:50 Markus Ziese, Zora L. Schirmeister, Carina-Denise Lemke, Jakub P. Walawender, Christoph Schweim, Damien Pichon, Stefania Grimaldi, Gonçalo Gomes, Peter Salamon
Quality Control and Creation of Grids of Meteorological Variables for the Copernicus Emergency Management Services 

14:50-15:15 Anna-Maria TILG, Johann HIEBL, Angelika HÖFLER, Anna ROHRBÖCK, Christoph FREI
SPARTACUS: A km-scale daily dataset of the surface climate in Austria – overview and new developments (online) 

15:15-15:45 Coffee break

15:45-16:35 SESSION: Spatial interpolation and gridded datasets (cont.)

15:45-16:10 Jouke de Baar, Gerard van der Schrier, Theo Brandsma
Community climatology: Combining official observations, crowd-sourced observations and covariates to obtain high-resolution gridded climate data sets (online) 

16:10-16:35 Jouke de Baar, Gerard van der Schrier
Multi-fidelity adaptive sampling: Towards optimal station location choice of combined official and crowd-sourced weather observation networks (online) 


POSTERS (size: A0, portrait)

Miroslav Trnka, Petr Štěpánek, Zdeněk Žalud, Pavel Zahradníček, Jan Balek, Daniela Semerádová, Lucie Kudláčková, Martin Možný
Climate services in the Czech Republic 

Zsófia Barna, Beatrix Izsák, Ildikó Pieczka
Comparison of different interpolation methods for six-hour temperature data series 

Kinga Bokros, Mónika Lakatos, Olivér Szentes
Long-term changes of cold indices in Hungary using homogenized and raw data series 

Joelsson, L.M.T, Schimanke, S. Engström, E
Homogenisation of Swedish monthly precipitation from 1880 

Vanda Pires, Paula Drumond, Teresa Ferreira, José Godinho, João Ferreira
Validation and homogenization of hybrid temperature and precipitation series in mainland Portugal (online) 

Vanessa Seitner, Barbara Chimani, Leopold Haimberger
Comparison of homogenization methods for global radiation data in Austria 

Maura Lousada, Carlos Pereira, Rui Cavaleiro, José Godinho, Tânia Cota, Ricardo Deus
Comparison of multi-satellite GPM IMERG and ERA5 reanalyses, cross-evaluation with Ordinary Cokriging and ground-based data in South West Africa 

Zita Bihari, Kinga Bokros, Beatrix Izsák, Attila Kovács, Mónika Lakatos, Annamária Marton, Zsófia Molnár, Olivér Szentes, Bernadett Szolnoki-Tótiván
Climate services at the Hungarian Meteorological Service based on gridded data series 

Helena Lebo Andreis
The historical phenological data migration at DHMZ 

Peter Fleischer, Peter Kajaba, Martin Kubov, Jozef Rozkošný, Jaroslava Slavková
Use of homogenized data on spring phenology phases of oaks and linden 

Vladimir Ribičić
Using ERA5-Land Hourly - ECMWF Climate Reanalysis in controlling ground measurements



The meeting will be in Budapest, Hungary, at the Headquarter of the Hungarian Meteorological Service.
Address: 1024 Budapest, Kitaibel Pál utca 1.
The meeting will be organized as a hybrid meeting; you can participate live or online.

Registration and sending abstract

Pre-registration and abstract submission deadline is 15th of March 2023. Persons intending to participate on the meeting are required to pre-register by filling this form in order to register and for sending abstract.
Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their submission and about the preliminary program in the 12th week of 2023. Publication of the papers in a proceedings in the serial WMO/WCP/WCDMP is foreseen after the meeting.

Registration fee

The registration fee (including coffee breaks, social events) for on-site participants is 150 EUR. The registration fee for online participation is 40 EUR. The payment of the registration can be processed by bank transfer to:
IBAN HU72-10004885-10002010-01004131, SWIFT CODE: HUSTHUHB before 10th of April or onsite. Please note that onsite registrations can only be processed in Hungarian Forints.
Bank name: Magyar Államkincstár, Bank address: H-1139 Budapest, Váci út 7l., Hungary
Account Holder: Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat, Account Holder address: H-1024 Budapest, Kitaibel Pál u. 1., Hungary
Please note that the registration fee can be paid on-site only in HUF, which amounts 57 000 HUF.

Accommodations nearby the Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ)

Buda Trio Apartments - 1024 Budapest, Fényes Elek utca 5. sz. 2. emelet 1.

Hotel Papillon - 1024 Budapest, Rózsahegy utca 3/B.

Mohácsi Panzió - 1022 Budapest, Bimbó út 25/A.

Gárdonyi Vendégház - 1022, Budapest, Bimbó út 25/b.

Camille Apartments - 1024, Budapest, Széll Kálmán tér 5.

Hotel Castle Garden - 1012, Budapest, Lovas út 40-41.

Scientific Organizing Committee

Enric Aguilar (URV)
Ingeborg Auer (ZAMG)
Barbara Chimani (ZAMG)
Peer Hechler (WMO)
Dan Hollis (UKMO)
Beatrix Izsák (OMSZ)
Monika Lakatos (OMSZ)
Yolanda Luna (AEMET)
Dubravka Rasol (DHMZ)
Tamás Szentimrey (Varimax Ltd)
Ole Einar  Tveito (MetNo)

Local Organizing Committee

Monika Lakatos (OMSZ)
Zita Bihari (OMSZ)
Kinga Bokros (OMSZ)
Beatrix Izsák (OMSZ)
Annamari Marton (OMSZ)
Olivér Szentes (OMSZ)

contact: seminar@met.hu 


Organizers and supporters

OMSZ logo     EUMETNET logo     World Meteorological Organization logo
