2024. május 4. szombat
IDŐJÁRÁS - angol nyelvű folyóirat

Vol. 127, No. 4 * Pages 421–504 * October - December 2023

Journal of the Hungarrian Meteorological Service

Special issue: Application of advanced methods used for specific environmental purposes

Guest Editor: Kálmán Kovács

letöltés [pdf: 2891 KB]
Evaluating dehazing techniques on artificial and satellite land surface images
András Fridvalszky, Balázs Tóth, and László Szécsi
DOI:10.28974/idojaras.2023.4.2 (pp. 447–457)
 PDF (1633 KB)   |   Abstract

Many image-based recognition tasks are highly susceptible to different types of natural phenomena like foggy weather, snow, or rain. The participating media will likely obscure important details necessary for these algorithms to work correctly. Still, these aspects could be recovered in certain situations with prior information about the underlying light interactions. This could be done with certain heuristics or with the nowadays popular deep-learning based methods. In this paper, we review and compare the results of two approaches to remove or scale down the effects of foggy weather. We also examine how these results can be applied to high resolution satellite images of land surfaces.

IDŐJÁRÁS folyóirat